Miwaku No Tobira

Ler online Miwaku No Tobira em Português
Nome : Miwaku No Tobira
Nome Alternativo : Door Of Fascination
Autor : Fuuga
Scan : Hentai Arimasu
Formato: Hentai Manga
Idioma : Português
Censura : Sim
Ano: 2001
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This volume contains 3 stories:

1. And Then : Asami overhears some classmates handling.... Some really private matters. She has never ever even thought about sexuality before, so she ask her best friend Rika about it. "You should read articles in female magazines about this" is what Rika originally advised, but for some reason Asami ended up watching her brother's adult videos instead... This act, will throw Asami into a new world of love, deception, suffering, tenderness & perhaps even happiness.

2. Junior Sweet : Minori is a highschool gravure idol... However her extremely childlish personality & natural innocence doesn't fit with

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