An Angels Marshmallow

Ler online An Angels Marshmallow em Português
Nome : An Angels Marshmallow
Nome Alternativo : Tenshi No Marshmallow
Autor : Takahanada Pon
Scan : Death Raito
Formato: Hentai Manga
Idioma : Português
Censura : Sim
Ano: 2006
Logue-se para votar - Avaliação média 5 Baseando em 1 votos

Capítulos de An Angels Marshmallow

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Capítulo 22

For salary man Kotaro Takami, heaven is a gravure model named Misaki Hoshino. Now his dream may be coming true; the TV station he works for wants to use Hoshino for their new promotion--and Takami is in charge of PR for the station! But the perfect day seems to go very wrong when he accidentally walks in a girl changing her costume. With her glasses, braided pony-tails (and hot bod) Takami finds himself falling in love. But just who is she...?

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